Travel cots: for parents on the move

Many parents are prevented from travelling around when they have a new baby simply because they don’t feel as though their child will settle down at someone else’s house or in a hotel etc.  However, most of the time there are also practical concerns, such as: where will the baby sleep? Travel cots are no longer a new idea and they have evolved enormously over the last twenty or so years into something really quite impressive.

They are all relatively easy to assemble and carry around, but some are easier than others.  If you’re buying something to go touring with, staying in various different places, or perhaps camping then you’ll want to go for something that pops up easily and goes away just as well.  Many of these travel cots are very much like tents in many respects and some of them even come with UV protection screens and/or mosquito nets built in so that you can safely allow your child to sleep outdoors.

If you only really need a travel cot to take to a friend’s house or stay with relatives for extended periods of time then a more solid design might be a good idea.  These travel cots are a little more heavy and cumbersome, but they are more solid and will perhaps allow a greater comfort and security level than the more flexible models on the market.

Whichever type of travel cot you go for it is important to remember that you needn’t be a prisoner in your own home just because you have a baby; you will find babies to be more flexible than you could imagine and they will be comfortable virtually anywhere as long as they have a place to sleep.

It’s good to travel with your baby

Putting your baby down to sleep in a travel cot in different places, with different surroundings and different people around them is a great way to accustom them to, and socialise them with others and deal with change.  This is also an excellent way to train your child to be looked after by relatives or friends if you want to get away from it all for a while; if they are already accustomed to staying in their carer’s house and they deal well with change you’ve already won half the battle.

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